To make press-ready artwork please check the following checklist before submitting :
Size: Correct artwork size as per need. For All folded Brochures - Artwork Should be supplied Flate size.
A0 = 841 x 1189mm
A1 = 594 x 841 mm
A2 = 420 x 594 mm
A3 = 297 x 420 mm
A4 = 210 x 297 mm
A5 = 148 x210 mm
A6 = 105 x 148 mm
DL = 99 x 210 mm
FileType : PDF, JPEG
Resolution: Minimum of 300 dpi for all artwork
Bleed : 3 mm (Bleed is an extended artwork for trimming) - For Booklet Bleed should be 5 mm.
Margin : 3 mm (all text should be 3 mm far from the trimming line) - For Booklet Margine Should be 10 mm.
Color Mode: CMYK
Cropmarks: Crop Marks should be 2 mm far from the trim line
Images resolution: Minimum of 300 dpi resolution when its 100% Zoom
Image Link: Embed
Font size: Minimum 8 pt recommended to make it readable
Fonts link: Outlined (converted to curves)/ embed
Lines: All the line thickness should be minimum 0.3pt
Imposition: Artwork should be one up - 100 % in size
Transparencies: Flattened
Border: Should be minimum 5 mm thick
Ink Coverage: Should not be Exceed 300 % for coated Stock & 240% for uncoated stock
Rich Black: To get good black color please use color code - C50 M50 Y50 K100
